Peach considers safety is as a matter of first priority.
Peach will continue to implement its comprehensive management system
for safety in its unyielding drive to ensure safe operations
so it can continue to offer customers peace of mind.

“Customers’ smiles are possible only when safety is placed first.”
“Customers’ smiles are possible only when safety is placed first.” At Peach, everyone works together daily to continuously improve our safety and security management system to achieve even higher safety standards.
By our standards, we have achieved a safe flight only when our customers travelled, arrived, and disembarked safely at their destinations with smiling faces. To ensure that our customers are always with their smiling faces, we place safety first in everything we do. We enforce a thorough safety standards and we constantly remind ourselves about safety, responsibility, and honesty.
We will not stop here. In the future, Peach will continue to pursue higher safety standards and create an innovation in aviation industry. We aim to create new values and become the extraordinary airline.
Director / Chief Safety Officer / Chief Security Officer
Toshiya Kimura
Safety Charter and Policy
Safety is our commitment to the public and the foundation of our business
Safety means to protect the lives and properties of our customers; it is a social responsibility.
Without fulfilling such responsibility, we cannot exist as a company.
We believe that maintaining and improving standards of safety are essential for the development of the company, and are in fact the foundation of our business. -
Ensured safety puts customers' minds at ease
We are naturally expected to safely deliver our customers to their destinations.
However, we believe that we must fulfill this duty that is taken for granted before being able to put smiles on the faces of our customers, their families and friends, as well as ourselves. Furthermore, our business cannot exist without the smiles of our customers, for which constant and absolute “safety” is required. -
Have the courage to stop for the sake of safety
Proceeding with doubts leads to irreparable situations. If there is even the slightest doubt about safety, we will stop to clear it. After it is cleared, we will proceed.
It is important to develop a culture where the courage to stop for the sake of safety is praised even if it affects flights. -
Maintain high standards of safety through strong teamwork
It is our conviction that flight safety is achieved only when various organizations and departments work in close collaboration and properly perform their duties.
We believe that it is important for us to build strong team work based on mutual understanding and trust, and to properly perform duties among departments and organizations in order to continuously maintain and improve our standards of safety.
Various Efforts to Safety
Information Security
To fulfill its social responsibility as a company that is trusted by customers, Peach has in place and will make an all-out effort to promote an Information Security Philosophy for the purpose of protecting and administering information assets, including the personal information of its customers, persons and entities it is associated with.
Peach holds an information security management committee meeting each month where persons in charge are selected from each of its departments to discuss ways to deal with today’s environment amid rapid changes in information security. These committee meetings are an avenue for its staff to obtain knowledge on general security, share case studies from other companies, receive alerts and reminders, and improve their awareness on information security.
In answer to the expectations of its customers and to society, Peach also provides training through e-learning, disseminates information to its staff through its in-house publication, and employs other steps to procure the safety and reliability of its information assets. -
Every July, Peach organizes a safety promotion month. We educate all our employees about safety through various activities
One of our activities is cleaning, called the PIKA PIKA EVENT, in which all employees can participate. This activity is organized by the Operations*1. The participants from different departments come to clean our aircrafts and parking spaces at Kansai Airport, which is Peach’s main airport. Through cleaning of the parking areas and aircrafts, we increase our safety standards by reminding everyone about connections among unusual object on board, waste, and FOD*2 caused by sand flown away with sea breeze. To ensure maximum comfort for our customers, we also clean intensively windows, tables, and arm rests, as these areas are directly within customers’ reach.
*1The division is in charge of airport customer service, ground handling service, airline security, emergency response, and flight management.
*2FOD stands for Foreign Object Damage. It refers to damages to tires and engines caused by direct contact between aircrafts and foreign objects. In addition, it also includes damages and injuries inflicted on on-ground passengers and employees caused by foreign objects and machine parts blown off by engine exhaust.